Apr 8, 2011

Marc Faber :Gold cheaper then 1999 ,when it was $252

Marc Faber was on CNBC earlier, once again discussing things so patently obvious only the Fed can not grasp them. Namely that as long as cheap money floods the system hard assets will continue rising in value, and gold will continue surging. Which is merely part of the bigger picture: nominal prices continue rising as real prices, denominated in paper and linen, continue to decline. But have no fear: Bernanke can fix everything in 15 minutes. Only that’s total BS: “One day they will increase it by a quarter percent. But what does it mean when commodity prices are going through the roof, energy prices are going up, health care costs are going up, insurance premiums are going up?” Somehow, Bernanke believes, a hike will immediately undo months and years of downstream costs progressing through the system. And surely subprime is contained… As for the proverbial gold bubble: “If it were a bubble a lot of people would have gold. The whole world would be trading gold 24 hours a day. But I don’t think it’s really a bubble. I think gold is maybe cheaper today than it was in 1999, when it was $252.” Oddly enough nobody mentions that gold is the only market that is now not part of the Fed’s central planning “wealth effect” mandate (and the price suppression mandate is failing by the day): surging gold prices are an indication of one thing only: the market’s desire to impose its own gold standard at a mark to market price equivalent for dollar destruction. It is this aspect of the metal: to correlate with Fed stupidity, that makes it such an attractive investment. And since Fed stupidity is endless, does it mean gold’s fair value is infinite?

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